Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back Dwn or keep on Tucking?!

In recent times turmoil has stricken the Middle East. With this the question of U.S becoming involved in the internal foreign affairs has greatly risen. So in saying this should the U.S stay involved in the internal affairs of other independent nations? Ted Galen Carpenter says in his article in USA Today that we should do less then we currently are. His target audience is going to be anyone who sees’s the Government as controlling or “meddling”. With as many as 8 books written about internal affairs Ted Carpenter is no stranger to what is going on with the U.S government and its foreign affairs, and offers good well supported debate on how he believes we should be doing less rather than more. In his opening statement he addresses the approval rating of many states and how they view American or let’s just say Washington’s involvement in their internal affairs. You would be shocked to find out that it averages a staggering 75.5% disapproval rating. With a shockingly high disapproval rating no matter what we do it is nearly impossible for Washington to make a good choice (no matter if we think it for the best or not); and to top it all off the views of the American "society" are completely different and in some cases irrelevant to the culture of the people in the middle east.  With this Washington is seen as a meddling let’s say "big brother" trying to get their views across even if sometimes it’s not the best idea. For example Washington’s ongoing support of local regimes that had previously looted and brutalized their people. He also goes on to say if we keep up this "bad rep" during this revolutionary time it could end in even greater turmoil and even form anti-American factions. I completely agree with this article because I see as does Ted we are trying to achieve the status of the cold war were we were seen as the “golden light” to defeat communism and a lot of the mistakes we made were over looked for the fact as we were seen as the only way to end this tyranny. Yet unfortunately the situation is different and this time and we have now become the inflictors or the “bad guys” completely ignoring what we is stated in our constitution and trying to push our ways amongst people who don’t see our way as the right way. Now we are starting to go down this path that can potentially lead to a major upheaval of our ideals that could potentially lead to complete isolation between these once allied nations.

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