Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cyber war

The question is, in upcoming years could a new type of modern warfare surface in one of the vast ways to defend our country? To this I say yes Cyber warfare. In .0003 of a second a virus can travel  the world twice and devastate any computer in any outlying networks. Now the question is how do we fund such a defense threw private sectors such as "Black water" or dedicate a whole government section to this new "Cyber Defense". I personally believe we should have the government take this one. Not only because the government has a better way to fund this extensive project, but it also centralizes the the spread of information it is no longer being spread by emails to other companies ext. I do see a fail in this plan of government funding. In saying will they keep it to secret or will they come out with it and get public opinion on the topic. Because if you look in the past ill advised ill use could make enemies its a new frontier with no rights its like the wild west before the bill of rights. But now that it is public how do we build an offensive part to our plan. With saying that  how do we define this whole new frontier how do we get it just right so that we don't make more enemies. I believe the only way to do this is going to be trial and error. there is no clear way of knowing how far something will go with out going and doing it first.
I believe that the article is well worth reading because it rises concern on modern age of war. How is it affecting us? Who will be its new leaders? Will it arise to new super powers such as Google or Apple. All this will soon be a priority and i feel this article even subject is well worth looking into.